miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2008

Is there a point about writing here anyway?

I don't see it at the moment. Nobody ever comes here anyway. My life is messed up, I hate my work and my marriage is in trouble. Hot damn.

Sorry, but I don't like Obama

I have tried to stay away from the U.S. elections, since I am a journalist, and that could appear non-ethical, but since I am posting here as a private person, I decided to give it a go. First of all, I would like to point out something very important: I am not a racist person. I was even engaged to an African-American lady and for me, one of the most beautifoul woman in the world happens to be Angela Bassett.

Now, after all that information about my position on race, I am (hopefully) ready to say this: I don't like Barack Obama. Not a bit, not as much as I like John McCain anyway. And don't get me started on Hillary Clinton. My political leanings are democratic, but I don't feel atracted to either one of them. The reason, at least in Obama's case, is that I think he's too green, and eager to demonstrate how great he can get as a president. I agree that whoever gets elected as a president, at least amongst the democrat candidates, is bound to mark a new era in U.S. pollitics: Either we get a black president or a female president. As a Mexican national, some people may argue that I am not entitled to an oppinion, but I rather have neither. Not a green, but astute senator, who has been dealing the race card pretty well on his behalf, or a lady that strikes me as a trying to be as charming as her husband was as a president. I loved Bill Clinton, but I don't like his wife.

I'll rather deal with McCain. In my view, he has the experience and skills needed for the job, a job that was taken away from him by the moronic warhound of George W. Bush in the Republican primaries in 2000. The only problem is that he's too old and most of the young voters are leaning in Obama's favor.

In any case, I think the winner of the presidential elections will be Obama, precisely because of the younger voters. Not my best choice for the job, but I hope he gets good advisers on economics and foreign policy, which should be the priorities for his presidency after 8 years of Dubya being a failure at both areas. And perhaps, he should consider checking the FEMA and similar agencies, specially after the massive failure they registered in the Katrina aftermath.

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008

And Happyness got me M&M's

All the weekend I felt like the lowest, most despicable being on Earth. I needed to chill, to relax, and decided to look for some music at the Jamendo website. If you remember the old days at MP3.com, you'll figure out what Jamendo is: A place where musicians share their creations for free. I dediced to go search for some relaxing music and found something really good. This is the first artist I liked and here's his music for your consideration.


Stidiek is from Spain and really good. I'll post some more artists when I have the time.

And I went to see "Iron Man"

Last Friday, I got into a discussion with my wife about paying my mom's rent and me arguing with her that it may be just my problem, but when she uses our money for her family I am never in opposition for it, even if it's "her problem" and not mine. She wanted me to make her a desk, using some wood doors we discarded, and I got myself into that chore, not really wanting to deal with her anymore. After doing some other stuff, I went to bed around 2:00 pm (did I mention I work the graveyard shift? I do so in order to take care of my kids). I finally woke up around 6.00 am and went to work with my father in law. You see, my wife had been working with one of her brothers in an industrial cleaning bussiness, but they had a very bad discussion (as ussual) and she resigned, deciding to continue on her own. Problem is, she doesn't have any workers, so she decided to have another one of her brothers, a cocaine addicted moron, who happens to make a lot of money, do the dirty work for her. In the meantime, I decided to go to work with my daddy-in-law in order to get the knack of the bussiness.

Lucky me, I was late and the workers had already left. I stayed with my mother in law for most of the morning, leaving just to have lunch or to try and get some of the morons who owe my wife money to pay me. They never do and some even react as if offended by me. She arrived in the afternoon with the kids and we wen to see the new "Iron Man" movie. That was a ride, the movie is fun, Robert Downey Jr. is excellent and it's probably the only superhero movie I had seen that did not leave wanting. I really think it's better than the Spiderman or X-men movies. More realistic and grounded. I love it and recommend it. And here's the trailer, just in case you don't know what I am talking about:

And, least we forget, here's Black Sabbath playing what's probably one of the best songs ever created. I am pretty certain you already know the title.

And that movie was also something very important: It made my day, my kids loved it and even my wife enjoyed it. It was a good day.

viernes, 2 de mayo de 2008

Carcass, some videos

This is one of my favourite bands, just one of the few death metal bands I like.

This is the video for Heartwork, from the album with the same name.

I wish I had hair like that again. Here's another song from the same album, "No love lost."

And from their last album (at least up until now, since they seem to be reuniting soon), "Keep on Rotting in the Free World," more in the vein of "Death and Roll" than their previous efforts, starting in hardcore, into death metal and later incorporating more metal elements.

And I miss her...

I had a great couple of days with my family. No homework, just some carpentry and lots of rain. My wife was nice for most of the time, considering that she has a stomach infection and she can't scream as loud as she ussually does. My kids are sick too, but that won't stop their never ending quest to become proud followers of Dennys The Menace. I could not believe it, but I found jello in my sock drawer, amongst other things. The problem, I think, is that they have been indoors for a long time. I plan to take them to the movies to see that new "Iron Man" movie. I am proud to say, the Spanish language version of the trailers is written by me. Now I can really say that I have a job in Hollywood and everybody will see it. I just wish I had the time to keep writing, and a USB memory that works on Windows 98.

On Saturday, if everything goes exactly as I don't want to, I'll be working either with my father in law or the youngest of my moronic in-laws, cleaning the guts of an industrial complex. I hate the very idea to cram myself on a tube in order to remove goo and industrial waste, but I guess I have to do it in order to keep things cool with my wife. She's planning to open her own bussiness of the sort, and I'll be damned if I let her do it on her own. I am already severly in debt thanks to her lack of planning and love to spend money I don't make, and I don't want to let her screw me even more.