sábado, 11 de octubre de 2008

Bad tummy

Acid reflux can be a very bad thing. And well deserved too. I am paying for my bad habits at the age of 40. I have to admit that the last few years have been trying and sometimes I don't eat too well. Frito lays and Coke are tasty, albeit not a very good substitute for real food. Well, according to my good doctor, coffee is out of my diet, Coke is very limited and all the crunchy and greasy stuff will have to go. I just had a chicken salad and feel just good. I'll be back into tacos and other abuses soon, but I have to let the old furnace fix itself.

Anyway, this is a good time to consider some other adjustments in my life. I am facing the subsecuent loss of personal mass and have to do something to keep me in shape. I'll probable get weigths and bodybuild again. Just the basic muscles to keep my chest more prominent than my belly.

In the meantime, I am preparing a consideration on the possibilities of humanoid life in the Universe and its rammifications on a religious and social level. Stay tuned.

And while you wait, something totally unrelated. This videos crack me up.

1 comentario:

alejandro0glez@gmail.com dijo...

I'd rather keep quiet in this, otherwise I'll be hurting myself... except that yep, you're old, and you have to take care of yourself, because nobody is going to do it for you.
But don't worry, you can always get a surgery to change that ugly face, I mean, tummy haha!!!